Why You should Vote for Me

Committed, Community Leader, Citizen Collaborator, Positive Voice 

Why I am running for council

I am excited to announce that I am running for Council for Ward 1.  I have realized my passion for citizen engagement, excitement for change and find it rewarding to participate in resolving issues in our community.  I feel I have learned a great deal. Especially how to navigate around City Hall to get results.

While candidates are eager to recite statistics, I am using a different approach. I am communicating what I have done over the past 4.5 years.  Also what I look forward to participating in as your Councillor.


Ensure that people receive value and quality for the taxes they pay.  We need to recognize challenges faced by municipal governments as a result of the downloading of responsibilities for service provision by the Provincila and Federal governments.  I will support lobbying efforts to increase Federal and Provincial financial support to municipalities, rather than increasing property taxes and fees to account for shortfalls.

Guelph Transit

Is one of my corncerns, our city is growing fast and transit is suffering growing pains as a result. It is changing but I think it needs input from all stakeholders, especially the bus drivers and users


I am dedicated to helping resolve this parking problem.

My Vision For THE IMICO PROPERTY is actually a component of my creative vision for Ward 1.

Do you know Dufferin Grove Park? It's in Toronto. http://dufferinpark.ca/home/wiki/wiki.php 
Councillor Lise Burcher was a major force behind  the development of The Ward Residents Association. She is also an educator at the University of Guelph. Lise had a
class trip to Dufferin Grove Park, some of TWRA were able to attend.

Bake ovens, campgrounds, camp fires, play grounds, skateparks, community gardens, picnic tables and farmers markets and ice rinks. Mixed use residential, live work spaces, affordable housing, condos, music and  artist studios.  All within a village within a neighbourhood.

Infill Intensification

With the assistance of my community we have been successful in negotiating and helping in our neighbourhood when threatened with disproportionate intensification. I especially want Ward 1 as a whole to have a voice in the decisions that will affect it directly over the next term of council.  I would be humbled and grateful to do this for my ward.

In 2010 I became involved with what would turn out to be one of the biggest decisions I have ever made.  
As a result of the Downtown Secondary Plan, changes for our neighborhood that included four 18 storey buildings were on the horizon and those changes affected us directly. We organized, mobilized and I was voted with a show of hands by over 150 residents, on two separate occasions to be the Chair for The Ward Residents Association.
As neighbourhoods grow and evolve so do their needs. From new neighbourhoods to old neighbourhoods, the needs shift and change. As our City grows, positive and progressive people have to step up and help our neighbourhoods ease into that growth.  I want to be that person for Ward 1, for you..
Ward 1 will face pressures from infill, with the threat of losing it’s heritage.  Our Ward  is entering its 2nd cycle of life, as it transitions from its  Industrial origins to its  Infill Intensification mandate our landscape will change. We saw this happening when the former W.C.Woods sight was sold, remediated, and sold again as one of Guelph largest infill sites. Plans suggested did not fit in with our community. Over the next 4 years The Ward Residents’ Association collaborated debated and discussed alternative plans with a positive voice at the table with City Planners, the new owners, Kilmer Equity Fund and eventually Fusion Homes and an excellent solution was found.

I hope to work with the community to create an Urban Design Guideline tailor made for Ward 1. 
Ward 1 is experiencing new growth. New communities need commercial amenities. New neighbourhoods should enjoy all the amenities that all neighbourhoods do, cafés, libraries, grocery stores, and factors that contribute to vibrant and successful neighbourhoods.
Downtown Economic Development is an extremely important factor of a vibrant city. A healthy and vibrant downtown includes a thriving business community. As a small business owner I understand the challenges facing small business. It is my intention to connect with and to be a proponent for small business. Our business community is complemented by a growing and inspiring arts and culture community. It is one of my goals that the Arts and Culture Community gets recognized, appreciated for the hundreds of thousands of dollars brought into the Guelph Tourism industry by festivals and various arts events.

Various Guelph projects are underway. We needs these projects to make us competitive with our neighbouring cities. Guelph is stepping up its game to make us competitive and a formidable force in attracting new businesses, projects and new people. 
Voting for Maria Pezzano  is voting for a representative with values and integrity with successful results in citizen engagement.

With the help of devoted citizens we created one of Guelph's unprecedented citizen engagement scenarios where we requested and received a voice at the table as an equal stakeholder.
Over the next few weeks I hope to engage with Ward 1 constituents to find out what is important to them.  I want to hear what they love about our City and what they love about our Ward, what they hate about our Ward  and how we can make our Ward better. Ward 1 is a huge diverse ward with many different needs and various income levels. We have to respectfully acknowledge our various needs.
What I bring to you is commitment, a passion for public service, the opportunity for collaboration with a positive voice and a history of successful citizen engagement,  making a difference.
Maria Pezzano