Message to Our Unionized Workers.

This is my message to our Unionized workers.  I DO NOT support privatization of our Municipal Services. 

I care about safe drinking water.  I care about our educationial system. I want and will work towards an efficient public transit, just like you.. Quality Child Care and Long Term Care are very important to me.  Road maintenance,  hydro and electric services, snow removal are all extremely necessary and should not be privatized. Garbage pick up and 

recreation and parks should not be privatized.  
 I do not want to be in an ice storm, and not have our services.
 I want our emergency first responders, firemen, police force and paramedics to be Municipal employees.

I support all of these  public services. They are dealt with at the Municipal level. Voting for the right candidates supports great public services, prevents costly privatization and builds a strong economy in our communities. You get to choose two, please remember me. Grateful for your time