The Importance of Heritage Buildings and more

Recently I attended a discussion held by the ACO on Heritage

The Past. Our Present. Your future - Heritage Matters for Discussion
Mayoral Candidate Questions

I had the questons so I answered them

Oct. 15, 2014
1. Personal Commitment
1.1 Tell us what you think Guelph's heritage means to its citizens.
Guelph's Heritage is extremely important to most citizens. It provides context in the
evolution of our society, most specifically our city. It is one of the reasons people move here.
Think of it as a window into our past. Our architectural heritage contributes to our sense of
place and community identity. It contributes to the economic value of heritage tourism,
adaptive reuse, such as my Studio Boutique is currently in a Century old limestone building.
All these factors contribute to Civic Pride. I am very proud of Guelph.
1.2 What is the value of preserving heritage properties? What have you done to
save built heritage in Guelph?
As the Chair for the Ward Residents Associations, I had to make it loud and clear to Stakeholders
that the residents wanted the heritage building to be restored and have it play a significant
role in the development of 5 Arthur St. s
1.3 Why is the preservation of heritage buildings important to you?
Preservation, restoration and repurposing of our architecture is extremely important to me
because it is our past shining through. Being first generation Canadian my tactile history is
in a different country. Walking through our historic buildings gives me a sense of pride and
belonging, especially where I have my business 77 Suffolk St.
2. City planning
How do you value cultural heritage conservation among other competing planning
goals? When making decisions about property developments that involve heritage
resources, elected politicians are often forced to consider the conservation of cultural
heritage resources alongside other planning goals like increased density, accessibility,
and employment. Where does cultural heritage conservation sit in your list of planning
I believe that in most cases the new developments can incorporate the heritage component
into their plans, the developer has to find value it is our job to show them the value. Fusion
and Kilmer did with 5 Arthur St. s. That did with the Mill lofts and they did with the former
Danby part of the Harding Carpets site building the River Condominiums building at 83
Neeve St. We tried to convince the property owner of Biltmore Hats see the value in
repurposing some building but to no avail
3. The Petrie Building
This prominent downtown building was recently featured in Heritage Canadaʼs Top Ten
Endangered Places in Canada. It is a designated building in private ownership and a
key part of the Wyndham streetscape. It is now a crumbling eyesore destined to result
in demolition by neglect. What measures would you take to get this building restored?
There a few different routes to go. I would start a kickstarter campaign on line. There are
thousands of people who would support an architectural masterpiece. I would also try a
local campaign and encourage a match per dollar program, federally, provincially and
Would you be prepared to offer grants or other tax relief to preserve and restore
Guelphʼs cultural heritage buildings and landscapes?
Yes I would, we are the caretakers of these cultural heritage buildings and landscapes.
4 . Financial Incentives
4.1 Given the large amount of public support for heritage preservation, will you
support funding, laws, policy, and appointments that encourage it? Please list any
specific initiatives that you would propose.
I would support
Listing non-designated properties of cultural heritage value or interest on the Municipal
Heritage Register.
Designating properties either individual or heritage conservation districts of the Ontario
Heritage Act.
I would support
Conserving properties during the heritage planning process in accordance with the
provincial policy statement.
4.2. Will you support city funding of infrastructure improvements in heritage
neighbourhoods such as banner poles, distinctive street signs, redesigned sidewalks
and reproduction street lights?
Yes I do support those improvements I believe they do this in Toronto along Palmerston St.
4.3 Will you support financial assistance and advice to those who seek to conserve
and restore their heritage properties?
Absolutely I support the financial assistance and they should be encouraged
5. Property Rights
Under the Ontario Heritage Act, listing and protecting heritage properties is a municipal
responsibility, not a private responsibility. A heritage property may be designated by the
municipality over an ownerʼs objection, and the owner may appeal the designation to
the Conservation Review Board (for individual property designations) or the Ontario
Municipal Board (for heritage district designations).
5.1 What role should “property rights” play in designating heritage properties or
landscapes in the City of Guelph?
I think property rights are important, but at the same the owner should do their due diligence
and research their property before purchasing. In the United States people have exclusive rights over their property. In Canada and Ontario, not so much.The municipality has the responsiblility to see the big picture and how a heritage building or street fits into it.
5.2 What role should a neighbourhood play in municipal council decisions to
designate a property or cultural heritage landscape?
I think it is very important for neighbourhoods to express their opinions on this topic.
6. Natural Heritage
Can you comment on the importance of our cityʼs natural heritage, and what in
particular you might wish to do to protect and enhance it? For example heritage trees
and natural ecosystems in our parks, ravines, and rivers. How important is natural
heritage in the grand scale of the City of Guelph, and does it have a place in your
Our natural heritage is extremely important. Protecting it by not Annexing the outer edges to
developers is very important. Locally TWRA comprised principles around the abandoned
River System behind 5 Arthur St. S. It's natural ecosystem has to be restored and Fusion
homes are in favour of this with the support of the Grand River Conservation Authority. Our principles included connectivity along the trails.These principles
are guidelines for the rest of our neighbourhood. I have replied and endorsed the GUFF
Vote for me for Ward 1, I'll make a difference.