Good Questions from an East End Constituent

Today I had the pleasure of answering a couple of good questions from a woman in the East End
these are my answers

 Good morning all,
> I wanted to write to you all to say thank you for running (I am glad there are not 11 people on the ballot this time, though).
> Also, as a resident of your ward, I have a few questions that I would like to put to you and hopefully you will find the time to return this email.
> Below are my questions ahead of our municipal election.
> 1. a) I live in the east end. What are the top issues you think affect residents living east of Victoria Road?

Thank you for this opportunity ____.

Just to be clear I am not an issue driven candidate, I am community driven. What is important to the community is important to me.  Issues come and go. A good councillor takes on what the community needs. Committed, Collaborative, aligned with Passion and Integrity, that's me a fresh, positive, change.

 I think one of the top issues for East End Guelph (I think) is that it feels somewhat removed or disconnected from the rest of  Ward 1. Having recently just driven through that area, (I plan to canvas once I receive my printed material),  to me it looks as though there are so many new homes but they are not quite a community yet and the reason being in my opinion is that they don't have places aside from the library and the Grange Hill Plaza, to congregate and become a real neighbourhood and community. They need grocery stores, restaurants,  cafés, soccer fields, baseball fields, they need everything a neighbourhood community has, walkable places to congregate.  They need Councillors that will advocate for that.  Grange Hill Neighbourhood Group actually does a lot for your area. I would advocate for that group.
I grew up in a neighbourhood, where we all knew each other. The children all played together and actually I was related to everyone. That is history. Those are great memories. I wish for the residents in the east end to create similar memories for their families, this is when they will create their own history in their new community. I would like to be the councillor that helps them get what they need, so their house becomes their home, the neighbours become their community.

> b) What are the top issues for The Ward?
There are diverse neighbourhoods in the Ward. Each with specific issues.  The "Ward" will be experiencing huge amounts of growth with landfill intensification. Large properties will become small new villages within old neighbourhoods. Did you know there are over 400 abandoned sights either in need of remediation or just left for whatever reason?  What happens around those sites? Do people feel disconnected? This is the first time in the history of the Ward that there is no public elementary school. I think that is a major issue. Safety is another major issue.  Keeping Community Assets like Two Rivers Neigbourhood Group and Tytler School actively supported is extremely important.

In both a) and b) I would add in regards to taxation 
  • Ensure that people receive value and quality for the taxes they pay.
  • Recognize the challenges faced by municipal governments as result of the downloading of responsibilities for service provision by the Provincial and Federal governments.
  • Support lobbying efforts to increase Federal and Provincial financial support to municipalities, rather than increasing property taxes and fees to account for shortfalls.
> 2. To me, our ward seems divided by the east enders (not fans of the British soap opera, of course) and The Ward. What challenges do you foresee representing a ward that has two very different areas?

Did you ever hear of the two kittens that fought all the time, the owner put tuna juice on each of them then the rest is history. Ok so that probably won't happen but...

The question is why are they divided? How did that start? Who planted that seed? It's not a rhetorical question. I really want to know. Is it a geographical division? I will tell you this, in 2009 I felt as though the Ward had been neglected for decades and now since there is so much infill intensification to be done in the Ward, it's profile has increased tremendously.  Is that good? I can tell you why I think it is another time. I also think Councillors Bell and Furfaro both worked very hard for a united Ward 1.

I would try to bring both communities together. I would be an advocate for an united Ward 1. 
> 3. I quite enjoy the blogs and tweets of other councillors - but have found those in Ward 1 to be lacking. Do you have plans to blog about city news or join and communicate with constituents through Twitter beyond the election?
>Blogging is great way to carry a conversation, if Ward 1 constituents want that, then that would part of the plan.

> Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer these questions.

Thank you for the opportunity
All the best 
Maria Pezzano